Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good Facts to Know ...

You may already know this stuff but, I didn't

1. Kool aid can be a dye in paint
2. Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
3. Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes (Has anyone tried this? Does this actually work?)
4. Mayonnaise will kill lice. It will also condition your hair
5. Elmer's glue: Paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads if any
6. Shiny hair: Use brewed Lipton Tea
7. Sunburn: Empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water
8. Minor burn: Colgate or Crest toothpaste
9. Burn your tongue? Put sugar on it
10. Arthritis and bee stings: WD-40 and rub in
11. Bee stings: Meat tenderizer
12: Chigger bites: Preparation H
13. Puffy eyes: Preparation H
14. Paper cut: Crazy glue or chap stick (glue is used instead of sutures at most hospitals)
15. Stinky feet: Jello
16. Athletes foot: Cornstarch
17. Fungus on Toenails and fingernails: Vick's vapor rub
18. Use Cool aid to clean dishwasher pipes. Just put it in the detergent section and run a cycle, it will also clean a toilet
19. Kool aid in Dannon plain yogurt as a finger paint. Your kids will love it and it wont hurt them if they eat it.
20: Peanut butter: Will get scratches outta CD's! Wipe off with coffee filter paper (Has anyone tried this? Does this actually work?)
21. Sticking bicycle chain: Pam no-stick cooking spray
22. Pam will also remove paint and grease from your hands! Keep a can in the garange for your hubby
23. Peanut butter will remove ink from the face of dolls
24. When the doll clothes are hard to put on, sprinkle with cornstarch and watch them slide on
25: Heavy Dandruff: POUR on the VINEGAR
26. Body paint: Crisco mixed with food coloring. Heat the Crisco in the microwave. Pour into a empty film container and mix with the food color of your choice. (Has anyone tried this? Does this actually work?)
27. Ty Dye T-shirt: Mix a solution of Kool Aid in a container, tie a rubber band around a section of the T-shirt and soak
28. Preserving a newspaper clipping: A large bottle of club soda and a cup of milk of magnesia, soak for 20 minutes and let it dry. It will last for many years
29. A slinky will hold toast and CD's
30. To keep glasses and goggles from fogging up, coat with Colgate toothpaste
31. Wine stains: Pour on the Morton salt and watch it absorb into the salt
32. To remove wax: Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain. It will absorb into the towel
33. Remove labels off glassware etc: Rub with peanut butter

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Update on Operation Christmas Decorating .....

I have the bookshelves (in the den) cleaned off where I am going to put 1 of 4 manger scenes. Yes, we have 4. See:

1 The Manger scene from when I was little
2. The Manger scene that has a stable
3. The sparkly Manger scene
4. A porcelain Manger scene

I'm tidying up the office so that I can put the table (not the one we eat off of) in the middle of the room to put my Christmas village on but, I will have to wait until Momma gets home to get that down! It is a to man ..... er, woman job! I would also like to put my train around it but, my train is out of commission and has been for a while now.

Daddy has previously stated that I was not to get the tree down until Momma got home but, I talked to her today and she said that I could get it down so, I'm planning on getting the tree down tomorrow. We are not going to have a decorated tree but, it will be just as nice!!

There is to be no huge decorating event this year. Just plain and simple. However, the stockings will be hung by the fireplace with care as always!!!

I have to get some decorating down before I leave to go out of town. When and where you ask? You may never know .....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Update on Will


For those of you not on FaceBook below is what Amy posted today. I thought you’d like to see it. He is not out of the woods yet as he has another four to five months of recovery. He can still easily get sick as his resistance is way down, but the danger of fever and infection from the transplant has passed. I cannot come up the words to express my thankfulness to God!

The doctors have said he will come home in a few days. I am excited about that prospect to say the least.

Praises to God!


I am so thankful to all of you for your prayer and support. My sweet husband feels so good he is hard at work like nothing ever happened. We are blessed! His count starting going back up today so he is out of the zone where fever and infection could have occured. Now we pray the new cells keep working for him and not against him.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trust and Obey

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.

But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.

Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.


That is the song running through my head all day today as I was thinking over this (almost) past year.

I moved out of my parents house in May to move in with a friend of mine just to get a feel for living on my own (without Mom and Dad having to furnish and rent an apartment for 6 months). I moved back hone in August to settle in to life again here at the farm.

Anyway, the same week I moved back home, we left for Texas. My brother's WBC (white blood cell count) had shot up. The doc's did blood work and the lab at the hospital made a mistake. Well, a couple months after that, his WBC shot up again. We found out that he needed a bone marrow transplant. In November, my sister flew out to Texas and my Mom drove out there. My brother has since had the transplant and I do not see him having any side effects from it.

It is now December and Dad and I are here. Mom is in Texas still and I just dont know when she will be home. I just hope that she gets home in time for Christmas. Daddy will not allow me to get down any Christmas decorations until Momma gets home.

What is this blog post about? Apparently its about random things. :-)

What I originally was going to write about is this:

I've learned that since moving home that if you follow God's will, things are alot easier. In the past, I've fought God in not wanting to finish my GED but, this year I took a leap of faith and it is paying off!! I am almost done!!! I followed God's will and it is alot easier. I'm also currently following God's will and not thinking/wishing I had a boyfriend and it is paying off as well! I mean, I'm so busy right now with Momma gone that if I had one, it would still be like I didnt. I mean, I'm so busy and here lately, I've been traveling ALOT! So, if I had one I couldn't/wouldn't have anytime to spend with him ....

I hope that this blog post makes sense ...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Update on Will


This is Day 2 post transplant and I stand amazed in the presence of God. Will was supposed to have really bad side effects from the chemo but he only had one bad day where he threw up a couple of times; no sores in the mouth, no rashes, nothing. If there has been anything they haven’t told me. His counts are going down and will continue to for five to seven days post-transplant. He is supposed to be feeling worse and worse. But this morning Amy reports he is “chipper and doing fine”. Brothers and sisters in Christ, our prayers are working. God has given me such a peace about this. I have never doubted we would pull through but I thought the road would be so much rougher! He is not out of the woods yet, he still has a few more days of an uphill battle before the turn–around. So we still covet your prayers.

I was mistaken on some of the time-line. I now understand that it will be two to four weeks post-transplant before we know if the graft has taken so that is still on our prayer list. Also continue to pray that God will maintain a shield around him to protect from all germs that can cause infection. We are all doing our best toward that end, but only God is fool proof so we continue to depend on him.

I stand amazed in God’s provision of a sibling donor. Before this I would have thought that probability rather high but many of the medical staff are saying we are blessed to have that. They say it is still unusual and have told of several that had five and six brothers and sisters but no match. Even one that had eleven and no match. Many wait on an unrelated match and never get it. One man found a match that had to fly from England. Not only am I speechless, but even my thoughts are dumbfounded on consideration of God’s provision.

I stand amazed at the number of people praying for Will, Amy and Anna & for us too. So many of you have added them to your church or prayer group list and also forwarded the emails. If it were possible to count them I know the number would be in the thousands. Again God provides.

Please know that even if you feel your prayers are inadequate they are not because God has provided an intercessor, Jesus. He sits at the throne of God interceding on your behalf and he translates the prayers to the Father so that every prayer is the good and perfect prayer. You cannot pray an imperfect prayer!

Again, thank you from the depths of my soul and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I thank God for our friendship.



Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Bet With My Teacher

I finished taking a "big" math test this past Tuesday and I hope that I passed! If I didn't, I will sit down and cry!!

Every time I take a "big" math test, my teacher and I make a bet as to weither or not I will pass. I think the most highest amount was a couple of bucks and the lowest was a $.50 coke. I sure am glad that it is just a tiny bet because I don't think that I could afford anything else!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update on Mary Beth Miller

Update on Mary Beth, today has been a much better day. She is more alert today, she is following things with her eyes and started watching some movies on tv. Her doctors are saying today that they do not believe that she has post pump chorea, we will be meeting with them in the morning to discuss this further. We are very encouraged by what we are seeing today. She is trying so hard to talk, but it is very difficult for her. She appears to have control over the bottom of her body today, her arms are still shaking. We know that she can hear us, she was sitting up in the bed tonight with Dr Jefferey and he was showing her things on his phone and she was laughing with him, it was the sweetest sound I have heard in a very long time. I know that we will get our baby back, it is going to take time. It appears that Mary Beth may have had some type of stroke, just not sure at this time. We are hanging on what God can do, we have seen him work in the life of sweet Greer Underwood, another transplant patient that we have grown to love and we know that he can do the same thing for Mary Beth. Please continue to pray for us and for Mary Beth, I know that she does not understand all of this and we can tell that she wants so badly to get back to herself. Thank you, we love you all.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Update on Mary Beth Miller

I would like to give everyone an update on Mary Beth. Our daughter is not the little girl we had before she went into surgery. She can not respond to us, she can not hold things, her hands are very shakey, her legs are moving as if she are trying to ride a bike. We are told that the condition is called Choreoathetosis, or post pump chorea, we are told that this is very rare and that she could recover from this, it could take days, it could take months, or years if ever. We are being told that 25% to 30% of patients that get this do not recover, we have to pray that she is not in this range. We still need to have an MRI done to see if this is what is going on, but all of her semptums are leading to this, we can not have the MRI as long as she has the pacing wires in. I will try my best to update as I can, we are staying with her all day at this point and coming home to sleep. Please pray for our little angel and for Mark, Macon and I, this is very hard

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's late and I am on a mocha high!!

I know that I have done this before but, I want to make it easier so that maybe more readers/followers would want to do it. Please tell me:

1: Your name is ..... (first names would be nice or just your initial)?
2. How you found my blog?
3. What is it that you would like for me to write about?
4. Where are you from?

I love Mocha but, I think that I drank to much of it. One time, I had 3 Mocha's before I found out that it had caffeine in it!!

Update on Will

Amy reports that Will made it through all of his chemo today with not side effects. This was the first day. Thanks again for the prayers.

Thomas will be flying in tomorrow from Alabama; Drew and Lia from North Carolina. Anna and I are looking forward to being with them.

Blessings to you all,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Update on Mary Beth Miller

OK, all my prayer warriors! I need you to start praying. We have a possible donor. The transplant team is on the way to look at the heart now. Will know more after they get the measurements. We are trying very hard not to get our hopes up but, this looks good. Please pray that this is the right heart for Mary Beth and that all will go well! I will update as soon as I know something! Love you all!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Update on Will


I had a safe trip out here and we have been knocking out a to-do list.

Will is feeling fine. On Friday, instead of a port, he got an inline catheter. The advantage of this is that he can both send and receive whatever his body needs via this. He will not have to have iv's on his arm so will have more freedom of movement. He did not go into the hospital today, but will tomorrow. His first chemo will be on Tuesday. Amy hopes to set up a Caring Bridge site while they are having down time in the hospital. If she does, I will pass along the link.

We went to church this morning with Amy and Will. The praise and worship is not quite what we are used to, but the message was a blessing as always.

On Wednesday, Lia and Drew will fly in from North Carolina and Thomas will fly in from Montgomery. We have been invited to celebrate Thanksgiving with one of Amy’s aunts and her family. Kate will be with some childhood friends.

Again, thank you for your love and your prayers. You are such a blessing to us all.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Update on Will


My brother is out of surgery. Well, I dont know if you would cal it that since they did not have to put him under but, he is out and doing great. They put the port in today!

Will is having surgery today to insert a port! He will be receiving chemo trough this port! Please pray that it is successful!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Update on Mary Beth Miller

Hello Everyone,

Mary Beth started school sections this week, she will have school 3 days a week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for an hour each day, thanks for your help with getting this done Mrs Jane, we love you.

She has been telling me a lot this week that she wants to go home, it just breaks my heart, not sure what to tell her. We saw Dr Kirklin a couple of days ago and he is getting calls for hearts, but he has not gotten the call for the right size heart yet. The good thing is the more calls he gets means that we are getting higher on the national list which is great. We thank God for him everyday, he is such a great doctor and we know that he is not going to except anything but the best heart for Mary Beth.

Mary Beth has had a touch of a cold this week, there has been a lot of that going around in this area. Mark and Macon have also had it, so far I am ok. She has a really bad cough, so we are watching that to make sure it is not fluid build up. She is still doing very well on the meds for her heart function, we are still seeing that she is getting tired when she is out walking on the floor or playing in the playroom.

Please continue to pray for Mary Beth and for us, this gets harder every day. Please pray for the nurses and doctors taking care of her, I really do not know where we would be if it were not for the nurses on W5 north and the nurses from CICU, as well as other sweet friends and nurses all over the hospital that the Lord has put in our lives, most days I would go crazy without them, they truly have become family to us and we just love them so much, such a sweet blessing to our family.

I will do my best to post an update each week. Thank you for your continued prayers and love.



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life's Ups ..... and Downs

My up moment: When my ex-boyfriend told me that he "tried" to love me, it was like a light bulb went off and I thought: I don't need a boyfriend anymore! I don't need the drama!! There is a lot of drama going on and I don't need a boyfriend in the mix!! Heck, I have school that I am trying to get done with and I have volunteering and I have work on the farm!!! Besides, I dont need a guy who "tries" to love me!! Either you love a person, or you don't!! I personally would love to have a person who loves me because he wants to and not because he feels like he hass to! Does that make sense??

My down moment: When I watch romantic movies ..... I start reverting back to the old me. I say: "I wish I had that" or "That is so romantic" and I start crying because I feel left out. I then start crying out to God and asking why!!! Why don't I have a boyfriend? Why aren't there guys lined up at my back door?? When I have a boyfriend why does he "try" to love me!! When is my time coming??

I know that I have said this before but, I just feel like the reason why I dont have a guy is because God is waiting on me to grow up just a little bit more.

My up moment: Its so wonderful that my brothers meds are working! He is going to lead such a healthy life!! Gee, I wonder when I will get to see him again .....

My down moment: WHAT??? His meds stop working?? He needs a bone marrow transplant??? Thank goodness my older sister is a match!! Will I ever get to see him again?? I'm so scared!! I don't want my brother to die!!! Lord, please take care of him!!

If only people really knew that I almost cry over my brother. No one knows how scared I am because I put on a happy face. There are times (like during prayer or during a church hymn) that I cry for him. I just want him better!! He wont admit it but, I'm sure he is suffering!

Philippians 4:6 ~ Be anxious for nothing, but in everything through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

Please continue to help me to not think about what I don't need right now! I know that I don't need one and I know that Your timing is impeccable and I also know that good things will come to those who wait!!! Please continue to help me be patient. Thank you for NEVER giving up on me!!

Lord, please be with my brother as he goes through this trying time in his life! Also, please be with my Dad, Mom, Sister and sister in law. Father, help them through this! Lord, be with me, here on the home front! Be with everyone that I care about, Lord. In your name I pray, A-men!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope that it is not boring!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alabama's Century and Heritage Farm Award Winner

From Left to Right: Ray Marler (Mayer for the City of Headland), Mom (Debbie Kirkland, Dad (Thomas Kirkland) and Glen Zorn (Assistant Agriculture Commissioner)

On behalf of the Commissioner John McMillian (Agriculture commissioner) and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, I am here tonight to recognize the Thomas Kirkland Farm as an Alabama Century and Heritage farm.

We are here to honor and give special recognition to the Alabama farm know as Thomas Kirkland Farm. This farm, located outside of Headland, has been owned and operated by the same family for 190 years.

The property was officially purchased by Benjamin and Sarah Kirkland on July 29, 1855. Benjamin came to Alabama in approximately 1821 with his father Moses and other relatives. Benjamin settles in the area which became known as Kirkland's Crossroads.

The great, great grandson of Benjamin and Sarah, Thomas Kirkland and his wife Debbie, own and operate the farm where they grow cotton, peanuts, corn and timber and they also raise cattle. The farm also has its own cemetery where several of the family members are buried.


The small print on the plaque says:

This farm has been owned by the same family for atleast over 100 years and reflects interesting and important historical and agricultural qualities. The farm demonstrates a durability and love of the land that is the heritage of the State of Alabama.

Wow, Daddy looks happy .....

A better picture of the above sign.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Update on Will


God is so good! Prayers for better housing were answered today. Lots of pieces had to fall into place as only God can do it for this to happen. A three bedroom-two bath home has been found for them to rent. Amy’s parents will help them move this weekend from their one bedroom, second floor apartment. They have plenty of furniture b/c Amy had a two bedroom apartment before they got married. All her stuff, except for a piece or two has been stored at her parents. Now we can stay at their place rather than spend money on a hotel when we are out there. Over the next six months, these savings could amount to thousands of dollars.

Not only did all the pieces fall into place to make the home available, but according to them, it couldn’t be more perfect for their situation. Built in 1997, it has all appliances (new or relatively new), window blinds, a fenced back yard (for Paxton, the dog) and many features that Will is going to need during his recovery like ground floor access, hardwood floors, his own bathroom, enclosed garage. As a bonus, it has a split floor plan, one bedroom on one end and the others on the other end. The master bedroom even has a sitting area! Will can be as isolated as he needs to be. The vaulted ceilings will hopefully keep Will from feeling so cramped in as he recovers. All this and it’s in a great neighborhood with quick access to the main thoroughfares to the hospital and Amy’s work.

We are always pleased when God provides, but when he provides to this degree, we are reminded of what a great God we serve. His timing is impeccable! He knew of this need and he brought things about in order that it could be accomplished just when the time was right.

I know God doesn’t always answer all our prayers the way we want. We have some friends who are going through some tough times right now and our hearts go out to them. We keep them in our prayers. We know we, too, have a rough road ahead, but we have to trust that God is there in the good times and the bad. That He is working all things for our future good.

Thank you again for all your prayers and know that you are in ours.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Update on Mary Beth Miller

Dear friends,

I am so sorry that I have not posted an update in a while. Everything is about the same. We are still in the hospital waiting on Mary Beth's new heart, this week marks 12 weeks. We have now relocated to Birmingham to be closer to her healthcare here, we really like our new house. Mark has started his job with Merrill Lynch. Macon has started his new school and loves it, which is a blessing I was really worried about him. My Daddy is up here staying with us so that he can take Macon to school and pick him up everyday, he is also coming up to the hospital to relieve me some, he has been a very big help.

Please continue to pray for Mary Beth, we are seeing that she is getting tired now when we are on the floor walking or in the playroom. Please continue to pray that God will supply her the perfect heart soon. I spoke with Dr Kriklin the other day and asked him if he had received any calls, he said that they have gotten calls, but he has not gotten the call for the right size heart yet. We thank God for him everyday, he is such a great doctor and he will not accept anything unless it is the perfect heart for her.

Please continue to pray for the sweet nurses and the staff on W5N, we thank God for them everyday, they really are like family to us and they are so good at what they do, I would go insane most days if it were not for them.

Continue to pray for Mark, Macon and I, even though we have relocated up here we are still apart, it is very hard on all of us and we are looking forward to being back together as a family and also pray that we will be home for the Holidays.

Thanks for your continued prayers and concern for our sweet Mary Beth and our family. I will do my best to update more often!

With all our love,
Mark, Stacee, Macon and Mary Beth

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Essay

I'm writing a essay for school and when I am done, I am wanting to post it on here.

Things are the same but, things continue to look up. We just keep praying and asking for answers! God is so good!!

The prayers are working so, please dont stop!!

With that said, we are still having to do the transplant but, I'm talking about all the little details that are slowly taking shape!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

O Holy Night and 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Now, you are probably asking yourself 1 of 2 questions (maybe more):

1. Why on earth is Kate practicing Christmas music before Thanksgiving??

2. How does one tie in with the other?

Well, I will proceed to tell you .....

When I had finished practicing "O Holy Night", I was thinking about the words and for some strange reason, " 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus " popped in my head. I have no earthly idea why it did but, it did.

Now, I know that most of y'all (if not all) know all the words to it but, this is my blog and I can type it out of I want to!! :D

'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Verse 1
"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
and to take Him at His word
just to rest upon His promise

and to know, "Thus saith the Lord"

Verse 2
"Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to trust His cleansing blood
and in simple faith to plunge me
'neath the healing cleansing flood"

Verse 3
"Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus
Just from sin and self to cease
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace"

Verse 4
"I'm so glad I learned to trust Him

Precious Jesus, Savior, friend
and I know that He is with me
Will be with me to the end" **

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!!
Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus
O for grace to trust him more!!"

The only thing that I can think of that would put this song in my head is the health issues of my brother and how I know it is so sweet to trust in Jesus . I dont like to see him having a hard time. In His word it says that He will never leave us or forsake us. My prayer is that as our family goes through this that our faith in God will grow stronger and our family bond will become stronger. Please continue to pray for my family!!

** = Some Hymnals change the 4th verse to say:

"I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee
Precious Jesus, Savior friend
and I know that Thou art with me
Wilt be with me to the end"

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's a small world after all!!

It is indeed a small world!!

I was talking to my friend Mary today who is off in college, catching her up on the latest news from home. She has been so busy writing a paper (10 pages long :O) that she has lost contact with the outside world.

Anyway, in the course of our conversation, she asked if I knew anyone with the first name Elizabeth B. Well, since I only know 2 people (in the world) with this (unique) last name that starts with a "B", I asked Mary if she had a sister. She said yes. I said is her sisters name Emilie? She said yes and told me that she (Emilie) had just gotten married. I then asked if she (Emilie) married a Matt H. Mary said yes!! I said: *GASP* YES, I know her!! I saw them in Erie, PA last year when I went with a couple of friends of mine to visit with the "H" family!!!

Mary then proceeded to tell me that she is friends with Elizabeth B. She then told me that Elizabeth was looking at her (Mary's) day planner and saw my name and said: I know her!! I've met her!!


Its a small world after all
Its a small world after all
Its a small world after all
Its a small, small world

Monday, October 31, 2011

My New Outlook on .....


Yes, I have realized that I DO NOT need a man!

I came to this startling realization when my ex-boyfriend said that "he tried to love me". I DON'T need a man to complete me!!

You know how on "The Little Rascals" where Darla says to Alfalfa, "You are scum between my toes!" and "You make me vomit!!"?? Well, that is how I feel towards men right now!!

Besides, I dont need a boyfriend right now anyhow! It will just make my life even more hectic if a boyfriend is in the picture, dont ya think?

Lord, please help me to continue to have this attitude!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mary Beth Miller ~ Address at UAB

I think I have this as you would have addressed it on a envelope. Here is the address:


619 19th Street,

Spann Wallace building 5th floor,

Room w502

Birmingham, Ala 35249

Mary Beth Miller ` One Sick Little Girl

I know that some folks has been searching for "Mary Beth Miller Birmingham/UAB (University of Alabama @ Birmingham)/heart transplant" and have come across my blog so, let me just say that from now on, I will post whatever her parents put on facebook here on this blog (with their permission of course!!).

I don't know of any updates right now except that they had a b-day party for her there at UAB. It seems to me that it went really well! She received lots of presents!!

For those who want to send cards (if my followers want to or not), I will try to get their address here as well!!

Until next time!!

~~Kate ~~

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting my G.E.D

Romans 8:28 ~ "And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God and to those who are called according to his purpose."

Getting my GED has been hard. I have had many unsuccessful attempts! Until this year....

I can't remember exactly when I first started attempting to get it but, I think it was in 2006 and for the second attempt it was 2009.

In the fall of 2010, I felt so secure in my position at the vet office. (HINT: Never be secure in your jobs because it can be taken away from you in a heartbeat!!) I was the receptionist! I can do this!! The thought of getting the GED entered my mind but, it stayed in the back.... way back. I didn't think about it again until, the unthinkable happened! I lost my job (on December 13, 2010)! I was upset for a while but, I realized that I could not be upset with my bosses! They are one of the nicest people ever!!

I went and thanked them (my boss and his wife) for it later because if it hadn't of been for them firing me, I would never have gotten the incentive to take GED classes!!

**Enters 2011**

Many of you know (or might not know) that I have a very difficult time with learning. I did graduate (from homeschooling) with a few contingencies (meaning that I just squeaked by enough to satisfy the State). I do have a diploma and it says that I graduated from my homeschool group but, it is not accredited! Why you ask? To get into college (in Alabama) you have to make a certain score on the SAT (or is it ACT?) or you have to have graduated from an accredited school. I have never tested well and I knew that with my learning disability that I could not make enough to pass a test to get into college so, I'm having to take classes and get a G.E.D (General Equivalent Diploma).

Anyway, I was not overly anxious to try again but, I decided to give my teacher -to-be a chance. I knew of her and my parents knew of her and her husband. Her husband works at the local experiment station (I'll explain what that is later) and they go to our church. I prayed about getting my GED again and I told God, "Lord, you talk about stepping out on faith on things. Well, I'm stepping out on faith! I can’t do this on my own and I would like your help! Please help me to see this through!" I'm truly amazed that I have stayed with it this long!! God is so good!!!

Ephesians 4:6 ~ "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"

I've not really been scared but, I have been tested both mentally and physically. There have been days when I didn't want to go but, then, I would remember what Mrs. Vickie would say to me when I got discouraged. She didn't say anything special but, she would simply say: "Kate, don't get discouraged. I believe in you and I KNOW that you can do it and get it done!!" I have been so faithful in going to my classes that she would understand if/when I told her that I needed a break.

I've been taking classes since January 11 and I had a plan! I was going to be done with class in May and I was going to graduate. Well, that didn't work out so, I have a new plan!!! I'm hoping (and with God's help) to graduate in December!!

I feel like I'm putting my heart on my sleeve with this. Go easy on me, please!! My life is much harder than y'all think!!

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cleaning This Gun

Today as I was coming home from my neighbors house, this song was playing on the radio. I had forgotten about it until I heard it today.

****DISCLAIMER**** My Daddy does not shoot guns (although he has some). My Momma does!!

Here is the song:

The Declaration of Independence
Think I could tell you that first sentence
But then I’m lost

I can't begin to count the theories
I've had pounded in my head
That I forgot

I don't remember all that Spanish
Or the Gettysburg address
But there is one speech from high school
I'll never forget

Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Ain’t it son?
Hey y'all run along and have some fun
I'll see you when you get back
Bet I’ll be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun

Well now that I’m a father
I’m scared to death one day my daughter
Is gonna find
That teenage boy I used to be
That seems to have just one thing on his mind

She’s growin' up so fast
It won't be long before
I’ll have to put the fear of God into
Some kid at the door

Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Now ain't it son?
Y’all go out and have some fun
I'll see you when you get back
Probably be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun

Now it's all for show
Ain’t nobody gonna get hurt
It’s just a daddy thing
And hey, believe me, man it works

Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Now ain't it son?
Y’all run along and have a little fun
I'll see you when you get back
Probably be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun

Son, now y'all buckle up and have her back by te- let's say about nine...thirty.
Drive safe.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I've been trying to rake my brain for something particular to write about but, I cant seem to find what it is that I want to right about. So, I'm just going to write about random things. They will be put into paragraphs.

For the past few days, I've been helping Mom pick up pecans in a yard across from our house. I think that I have overdone things with the picking up of the pecans. I've not felt good lately. I have figured out that the scars from my appendectomy do not stretch. I suppose that I will pick up pecans tomorrow as well!!

My brother. Alot can happen in a year. This past February had been a year since he was diagnosed with CML. In September I learned that the meds that he had been taking that kept him in remission had quit working. He now needs a bone marrow transplant. The good news is is that my sister (who lives in NC) is a perfect match!! God is good!! Yesterday (Sunday) was their (my brother and sister in laws) one year wedding anniversary. In fact, it seems just like yesterday that they were getting married in the beautiful mountains of Angel Fire, New Mexico!! Oh, it was so pretty!! I want to go back and perhaps maybe one day I will get that chance!

Since my surgery, I have not been able to participate in harvest at all. We are almost done picking cotton. I had to sit that crop out due to it being such strenuous work. I mean, with the pushing and pulling that I would have to do in order to work the cotton module builder. Next is peanuts!! I can do peanuts easy!! All I will have to do is drive a truck (that weighs 3/4 of a ton) puling a peanut trailer (that weighs about 8 tons)!! If y'all think I am scared, believe me when I tell you that I am not.

I must admit that when I started writing this blog that I felt so down and out but after to talking to a very special and dear fried, I feel a whole lot better!! Thanks, Melanie!! Such a dear friend!!

Anyway ........

My life. It is busy to say the least. Would I have it any other way? Of course not. It is hard sometimes when I think about certain persons and I wish upon every star that things could be different. Then I realize that there is no such thing as a "fairy tale" relationship Things will get better though! I just have to keep believing. Alot of tears have been shed. Especially when I see a couple who is so much in love!! My heart aches because I want that. In the Bible, it says that God gives us the desires of our hearts. God knows what I want so, I really don't have to tell him. I really do think that God is waiting on my to grow up!!

What is my schedule like? Well, it consists of me doing the following: Mondays: Volunteer at a local hospital, Tuesdays: school, Wednesdays: volunteering at a local hospital, going to church and teaching GA's, and Thursdays: going to school!! Fridays and Saturdays is my free day to do whatever. Sundays are reserved for going to church!

Speaking of church, this past Sunday was the first time that I went to a particular church for several months. I was able to hear the testimony of Siran Stacy! If you dont know who he is, I urge you to look him up!! Tomorrow (Wednesday) I will be going back to teaching GA's for the first time since my surgery!! I cant wait. I hope that I will not be disappointed!!

Thanksgiving? Will we all be here together?? Who knows! We are waiting on God's perfect timing!!

Well, I think this is every thing that I wanted to say!! Oh, sorry about the randomness of everything!! I shall write more when I am not about to conk out!!