Sunday, November 6, 2011

O Holy Night and 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Now, you are probably asking yourself 1 of 2 questions (maybe more):

1. Why on earth is Kate practicing Christmas music before Thanksgiving??

2. How does one tie in with the other?

Well, I will proceed to tell you .....

When I had finished practicing "O Holy Night", I was thinking about the words and for some strange reason, " 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus " popped in my head. I have no earthly idea why it did but, it did.

Now, I know that most of y'all (if not all) know all the words to it but, this is my blog and I can type it out of I want to!! :D

'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Verse 1
"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
and to take Him at His word
just to rest upon His promise

and to know, "Thus saith the Lord"

Verse 2
"Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to trust His cleansing blood
and in simple faith to plunge me
'neath the healing cleansing flood"

Verse 3
"Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus
Just from sin and self to cease
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace"

Verse 4
"I'm so glad I learned to trust Him

Precious Jesus, Savior, friend
and I know that He is with me
Will be with me to the end" **

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!!
Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus
O for grace to trust him more!!"

The only thing that I can think of that would put this song in my head is the health issues of my brother and how I know it is so sweet to trust in Jesus . I dont like to see him having a hard time. In His word it says that He will never leave us or forsake us. My prayer is that as our family goes through this that our faith in God will grow stronger and our family bond will become stronger. Please continue to pray for my family!!

** = Some Hymnals change the 4th verse to say:

"I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee
Precious Jesus, Savior friend
and I know that Thou art with me
Wilt be with me to the end"

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