Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Dedicate This To My Mom

In class tonight, my teacher wanted me to work on writing an essay because I will have to retake that portion of the GED since I did not pass it the first time. Well, she has a list of topics and I told her to pick out the one that she wanted me to write about since on the test, they give you your topic. Anyway, she picked out the one that said to write about the most influential person in your life and how and why they are influential. Well, I wrote about my Momma and my teacher said that I should post it on my blog so, I am! :D Here it goes:

There are many people that I could write about but, the most influential person in my life has got to be my Momma.

She is the most influential person because she leads a positive Christian life, she homeschooled me 3,4 grade and again 8-12 grade and she helps my Daddy on the farm.

Momma does not drink, smoke or do drugs. She honors God in everything she does. She is also influential because she has taught me from a early age how to honor God in everything I do from work to play

Momma influenced me by homeschooling me 3-4 grade and 8-12 grades. She thinks that that was the best thing for me. Sure I missed my friends from school but, I have made friendships that would last a lifetime through the homeschool group.

 Momma is also an influential part of the farm because she helps Daddy by pulling peanut trailers, packing cotton and even driving a tractor of she needs to. 

So you see, Momma is a very good influence on all areas of my life. The light of God shines very brightly through her. All of this and more makes her the most influential person in my life.


Side Note: It sure did look longer on notebook paper ... :)


  1. what a beautiful tribute to your mother! She is very blessed to have you!

  2. This is very sweet, Kate! Thanks for sharing it. :)
